• Country: Pakistan

    Aviation warning spheres are installed and operate efficiently. The seller is very responsible. Communication is pleasant and most importantly quite understandable :) . The goods came to Ukraine very quickly -only 1 week. The seller uses DHL and it is a quality mark. Generally, everyone is happy!

    John Barrowman

    John Barrowman

  • Country: Netherlands

    Very happy took just over a week for delivery which is very fast !! The solar powered medium intensity obstruction light LT-01-MBT(L) with excellent quality at low price to us. And also we get efficient and professional service based the installation and operating method at all times.

    Alice Johnson

    Alice Johnson

  • Country: The United Kingdom

    Since March 2019, I’m aways satisfied with the performance of aviation obstruction light high intensity type B from LINGTE that used the power transimission lines in Netherlands.The light source is cold LED light source with high efficiency, low power consumption, long life and high brightness to ensure that the light color and beam distribution meet the requirements of my client.

    William Jafferson Clinton

    William Jafferson Clinton

  • Country: Dubai

    The obstruction light LT-01-MB(L) is nicely made and has a aluminium alloy base back with a great looking design. The beige-brown box contains only watch on leader straps and an extra green nato strap. There are warranty card or instruction manual provided. The warranty is valid from the date of purchase.

    Mariah Carey

    Mariah Carey





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